Friday, March 18, 2011

Sample Reinstatement Letter For College

Friendly Fire (post No. 1000)

About 300 million euro will cost us to have to go to the polls twice in the spring (administrative + referendum). All because Berlusconini did not allow a single date that would have allowed the referendum to reach certainly hated the quorum.

The day before yesterday in the House has voted on the motion of the opposition to bring together the two dates and therefore to save the Importane figure.

But there is always the friendly fire of half ..........

The Hon. Marco Beltrandi

Now, let me add one thing. The Decree Milleproroghe recently approved by Parliament, stipulates that regions must meet the costs arising from damage resulting from natural events (eg floods, landslides or mudslides) "in house". Or increasing the excise duty on petrol or additional regions. In short, while the government tells us that eventually will be "our cocks, they burn several hundred million euro.

With Beltrandi .....

PS This is post No. 1000 of this blog. I just wanted to remind you .......


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