week's national music school
The Ministry of Education, University and Research, has also developed initiatives to strengthen this year, reviving and systematization of the practice of music in schools.
The practice of music contributes to the balanced growth of the person not only because in this way, the sound dimension is not alien to the cultural context in which this growth is defined, but also because the practice of music, through a more harmonious use of different capacities of the human mind, promotes learning in all disciplines.
In this context you give, in the processes of innovation, enabling high school musical and dance as well as the enactment of Decree No. 8 of 31 January concerning the activation of music courses in primary schools.
Among the initiatives of the Expert Committee constituted by the Ministry with the task of formulating proposals for the implementation of activities for the dissemination of musical practice in schools, there is also this year the organizers of the national week of music at school provided between the two el 'May 8.
Through this initiative schools can enjoy a moment of visibility in the area, so as to perceive the importance of outside musical activities that they carry, or in extra-curricular time during the school year. The form of organization of the events is assigned to the same schools, who can program both inside and outside of schools. It 'still critical that these initiatives involving parents and cultural institutions outside the school.
Our school, like now for several years, the Ministry supports this initiative by organizing in-house a week dedicated to the music . Initiatives for concerts, plays and musical events will be pillar of the week dedicated to music, which will have its conclusion with an evening dedicated to vocal competition "Let me sing."
soon publish a post dedicated to the program of the Music Festival 2011.
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