in the best episodes of Grey's Anatomy, even in my life amazing things happen in the elevator. Except that while in Seattle in the elevator promise eternal love, and make promises of marriage, Cinisello Balsamo than us getting locked out. Type for twenty minutes. And life passes in front of you and you realize that you've done a shit and you're not even gone to the concert by Taylor Swift. Then call your boss at the phone and tell him you're already over the air and that death is near you. Twenty long minutes during which I reflected on the meaning of life, and after discovering the true meaning of my life I lit a cigarette. I smoked in the elevator and I swear that is a wonderful experience. It reminded me a lot when I was smoking in the bathroom in high school and I knew I was going out of the ashtray Sports Bar downstairs.
However, there are a lot of things you can think of in the elevator. And many would like to share. Do not know about you but I have at least three recurrent thoughts at this time, like about a month or so. All things crumble week after week in my mind but with great stoicism pretend to ignore completely brought her to avoid Cavalcante. I have not brought her own desire to go. Then I begin to think about the lift that I am losing in my life, I'm pushing the wrong buttons, and even worse at times when I plan to make mistakes but come down anyway. Maybe I think about tomorrow, tonight I just want to pretend smiles.
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