I'm back with reviews, sorry but my hectic social life takes me a lot of space. So you will not notice because the feature "Publish Post a precise date" that I seem to have written the day after the broadcast. However, the episode begins with Meredith and her fringe who are working on clinical trials on Alzheimer's and are interrupted by the boss offers them to continue a clinical trial on diabetes, apparently great, undertaken by the mother of Meredith die before. I tell you now that Wed decided to continue that with Derek because he is an intelligent and because he fucks the dead mother. Then we have the father of Meredith and Lexie who arrives in hospital with suspected pain, and since has received a liver transplant type last season, all you shit on me. Actually has kidney stones, but the funny thing is the new girlfriend which is known as Alcoholics Anonymous sbiellare Lexie. Then what happens? Karev if it does come hard to the gynecologist blonde, I did not understand if it stays on the show but I hope so. Alex has so much in need of a new story. Do not forget our mother in the grass, aka Callie, who is surrounded by Arizona and Mark from anxiety to such an extent that at the end of the episode is like a monologue vagina. Perhaps it is her vagina but it is unclear who speaks. But yes, then does not happen anymore shit. I'm betting shit, could accorparle together and do something more trsite. Type Callie to be aborted. However, Meredith speaks in this episode, after the cow with Derek:
"Surgery is a high stakes game. But no matter how high the stakes, sooner or later, you're just going To Have to go with your gut, and, maybe just maybe, that'll Take You Right Where You Were Meant to Be in the first place. "
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