Gentlemen, the revolution is taking place. Every day brings signs monstrous, not important, but monstrous. I have to laugh, see the carcasses of politicians, businessmen half mark, and company thugs singer trying to stem a flood with 4 wooden planks. Just a couple of things worth mentioning: the first is the blog of Eric Festival (Santo suffered, among other things) where you can see an example of City Council Albissola Marina, where you can admire the advisers scared that attach to mirrors but to avoid to be taken at a meeting to decide on the harbor delusional Fuksas. Among other things, those people I know personally and can assure you that for most of the good Cristi (except for certain that the network will focus on the purifying action of Weeden), but they are not used to seeing people, their employers, simply observe them directly. Their real Big Brother! The second is
Skype ! We, Vodafone, Tim, Wind, 3 and all other virtuous companies have short life, at least for what they want, in business ... are about to die. Today you can call from cell to cell for free with Skype for Nokia, Blackberry and Apple are preparing Skype on their phones. Those poor phone companies are using their two wooden boards to limit the avalanche, allowing only Skype through WiFi, not with the normal line ... really make me laugh, poor things! We are ready gentlemen, the Internet is transforming the values \u200b\u200bin the field, or you do not clean or otherwise the network will discover your ass, get cold, you get the flu and you're home! Last night I heard that TG5 is on Facebook ... but I am crazy? I can not wait to write some curse on their profile! Mimum eye ... you already found his feet ...
Skype ! We, Vodafone, Tim, Wind, 3 and all other virtuous companies have short life, at least for what they want, in business ... are about to die. Today you can call from cell to cell for free with Skype for Nokia, Blackberry and Apple are preparing Skype on their phones. Those poor phone companies are using their two wooden boards to limit the avalanche, allowing only Skype through WiFi, not with the normal line ... really make me laugh, poor things! We are ready gentlemen, the Internet is transforming the values \u200b\u200bin the field, or you do not clean or otherwise the network will discover your ass, get cold, you get the flu and you're home! Last night I heard that TG5 is on Facebook ... but I am crazy? I can not wait to write some curse on their profile! Mimum eye ... you already found his feet ...
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